Tania Tsiridou
Selected projects
Curated by
Hub of Art Laboratories (HAL/Greece)

A video presenting an audiovisual immersive art installation based on seismic data.
The visualization method creates parameter mapping functions that link the seismic data to some of the parameters of the existing video. The same dataset is being used for the compositional techniques in the sonification process by using methods for creating parameter mapping functions that link data to the sound synthesis.
Περιοδικό αρχιτέκτονες
Περιοδικό του ΣA∆AΣ-ΠEA | τεύχος 55
περίοδος B | Ιανουάριος/Φεβρουάριος
Fragile Wondering, 2021
Interactive, immersive installation
Tania Tsiridou, Marianne Strapatsakis
Sound: Theodore Lotis
Multimedia Programming: Panos Pandis

A room - a forest. The installation explores the psychological condition that emerges when the unlimited (vast) forest is contrasted with the confinement of a room. It deals with the deep nostalgia and the bottomless desire for a space without limits and at the same time the terror and the sense of the strange and eerie that the idea of a space without limits contains.
A closed room is a human construction that removes the sense of nature and the hint of escape. The forest as an absolute nature and non-human quality can be understood as a hint of escape from the room. However, when in the forest there is no known path then this is the eternal return to the same point and the endless repetition that leads to nowhere. Thus the hint of forest escape turns into a horrible realization that the loss of the boundary-walls means the zero chance of reaching and being behind the boundary. Eventually a closed room and an impenetrable forest can have a lot in common. In literature and psychoanalysis they are often used as metaphors for the subconscious.

Observing Aeolian activity,
Mount Olymp 2011, Sahara Desert 2012
Wind sound visualization, Processing, 2013

Sound compositions. The eight winds based on Homer's Odyssey.
Logic Pro, 2013. The sound compositions bacame later part of the installation Askos: the wind repository.
Interactive Sound Installation.
Panos Pandis: Processing, Pure Data, Processing, Aduino
Askos: The Wind Repository is an interactive sound installation that uses the concept of the wind with the aim to investigate the idea of tangibility and its opposite: the intangibility. Drawing from the idea of the Aeolus bag, the installation attempts to integrate the Aeolus myth into the age of new technologies in order to constitute a new form of the myth’s perception and its aesthetic experience.
The installation uses wind data from the island of Corfu, Greece given from the National Meteorological Service of Greece that span form 1985 to 2015. The data are mapped to audio parameters and the interaction process with the visitors produces the final sound narration, through motion detection and mostly through touch sensors.

An experiment based on reflections about the intangibility of the wind. Aeolus, the god who keeps the winds in a bag, from greek mythology, serves as an inspiration.
The construction of an augmented "Gaida" is undertaken, a bagpipe, which is one of the oldest musical instruments in Greece (in ancient greek: ἄσκαυλος: ασκός + αυλός).
The archaic instrument is reinvented with computer mediated assistance and new qualities of sound are being researched and created. Wind data from a specific areas of Greece is transformed to sound qualities, in real time and new possibilities of interaction with the object are being researched and developed.
The project is initially developed with the help of Panos Pandis.
Unpredictable Wind Trajectories. Kinetic Installation, based on
live meteorological data. 2018
The installation investigates movement and its limitations, the concepts of non - foreseeability and control, as well as the relationship between movement (non-material) and matter, at different density levels.
The projection of the locations and the live flow of data about the winds that incite the movement of the sphere serve to expose what exists behind every work, using new media: the digit. It reveals the intention to denude the aesthetic dimension, in which form (matter) coexists with
the amorphous dimension of the fleeting flow of data that spur and feed the system. Therefore, in the installation titled Unpredictable wind trajectories, the rationality that lies at the core of every digital application coexists with the latter’s aestheticization. Live data are the impersonal descriptors of reality. In this installation, they become a visible part of the composition. The matter, volume and movement of the sphere materialize the data before the eyes of the audience..
Python, Raspberry pi
TOSS GALLERY, Thessaloniki

Athens Digital Arts Festival 2006
Video "Ora E Sempre Resistenza"

Video still
Record1 (Καταγραφή 1)
Graduates Exhibition of the Graduate Program "Digital Art Forms", Exhibition Space"Nikos Kessanlis", Athens 2004

Video "Self portrait" / 2003 ( Image: Exhibition Space).
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Exhibition Design
Artist: Andrew Carnie
Municipal Gallery of Corfu

Video Production
1716 Κέρκυρα Ο Προμαχώνας της Ευρώπης
InArts, Audio Visual Arts Department, Corfu,
Σωματείο «Φίλοι του Ιδρύματος μνήμης Albert Cohen»

Documentary series about the european culture, National Greek Television (NET).
14 Countries /14 Episodes, 2003

Guido Dossche
Visuals / Music Video 1999 -2000 Cologne
Tanja Bogo, Akiko Sato & Tania Tsiridou